How to combine multiple columns and get unique values

In today’s tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the unique function in Google Sheets. Here’s a quick guide to help you achieve this:

  1. Combining Columns to Get Unique Values:
  • Suppose you have two columns with odd and even numbers.
  • To get unique values from both columns, follow these steps:
  1. Insert the Formula:
  • In cell A1 type =UNIQUE({ then select the first column.
  • Add a semicolon ; and select the second column.
  • Close the curly bracket } and press Enter.
  • You’ll see the unique values from both columns combined in one column. These values are listed as they are in both columns. See the image below.
  1. Sorting the Unique Values:
  • If you want to sort these values in alphabetical or numerical order, you need to add another formula, SORT.
  • Double-click on cell A1 and modify the formula by adding SORT after = and before UNIQUE.
  • Now, you’ll see all unique values sorted in order.

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Watch the full tutorial here: How to Combine Two Columns and Get Unique Values in Google Sheets Or Watch the following video

combine two or more columns and get unique values in Google Sheets

Hello Guys,

We are going to see, how to combine two columns and get unique values.

Here we have two columns with odd and even numbers to get unique values from both of these columns I will insert the formula in A1. In A1 type = unique then open bracket and then curly bracket and then select the first column and then add a semicolon, and then select the second column then curly bracket and then close bracket and press enter you can see we have got our unique value but these values sorted as column A and then Column B.

If you want to sort these values in alphabetic or numeric order we need to add another formula.

Which is sort, double click on A1 and add Sort after = and before unique.

Now you can see all the unique values of the two columns.

If you want to know how to sort minimum to maximum or vice versa let me know.

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